This blog will primarily discuss digital workflows for architecture students and professionals—particularly using Grasshopper, though some posts focus on publishing and editing workflows using InDesign. Many of the workflows and scripts exhibited here were developed in V. Mitch McEwen's "99 Houses" studio at Taubman College in the winter semester of 2017. Some posts have already been written and are scheduled to go online bi-weekly on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am.
The Grasshopper tutorials show how to use the program not for generating complex form, but rather for facilitating the carrying out of basic, common design tasks. These tutorials will show how a few basic scripts and snippets can drastically boost design productivity. Other posts will highlight cross-platform compatibility capabilities using Grasshopper, Rhino, Illustrator, InDesign, Google Drive, and various Grasshopper plugins.
Stay tuned for the first post on May 10th, which will show how to facilitate the automation of long-document creation from multiple users using InDesign and Google Drive.